Gallerie di Foto di Vincenzo Avagliano riprese in diverse occasioni e luoghi. Africa, Teatro e concerti, paesaggi, still life, macro, Salerno alluvione 1966, Sport, Archeologia e Fashion.

Photo Galleries by Vincenzo Avagliano shot on different occasions and places. Africa, Theater and concerts, landscapes, still life, macro, Salerno flood 1966, portraits, Sport, Archeology and Fashion..

Scala dei Grigi - Grey Scale

Nella scala dei grigi, si deve essere in grado di distinguere tutti i livelli. Si deve vedere la differenza tra X, Y, Z così come tra A, B, C (idealmente).
In the gray scale bellow, you should be able to distinguish all levels. You should see a difference between X, Y, Z as well as between A, B, C (ideally).

Ottimizzato1280×800 - optimized 1280×800

All the images on this site are the © Copyright of Vincenzo Avagliano and may not be reproduced, projected, electronically stored or forwarded in any way without the express prior permission of Vincenzo Avagliano.

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